Roots of Pacha Wiki

Brah Brah is a member of the Pachan Clan.


If nothing is specified, both the wild and the domesticated varieties can be used. (W) means only wild, (D) means only domesticated.

All other items

Flower Events[]

Both Brah Brah and Vor Vor 2 Flowers Friendship FlowerFriendship Flower

Enter the Savanah after 8 am.

Vor is trying to encourage Brah as he practices spear throwing. Eventually a frustrated Brah storms off, confusing Vor. The player is able to either give Vor some advice ("Sometimes it's better to listen.") or attempt to help him feel better ("You did the right thing.") He will respond saying he thought he was listening or that he was trying to do the right thing, hoping it'll go better next time.

Both Brah Brah and Vor Vor 4 Flowers Friendship FlowerFriendship FlowerFriendship FlowerFriendship Flower

Brah is practicing spear throwing in the Savanah again. But with Vor proper teaching, Brah finally succeeds! While Brah is cheering happily, Vor thinks for your guidance.


Brah is the youngest son of Grob and Daari, he is the younger brother of Vor and young half-brother to Illoe.

Friendship Gifts[]

FriendshipFriendship FlowerRomance Flower Type Item
2 Egg Ostrich Egg
Ostrich Egg
2 Animal Produce Horns
2 Mushrooms Brown Mushroom
Brown Mushroom
5 Wall Furniture Dreamy Ibex Painting
Dreamy Ibex Painting




See Also[]

Pachan Clan Acre Acre Friendship FlowerAda Ada Friendship FlowerAta Ata Friendship FlowerBrah Brah Friendship FlowerCroll Croll Friendship FlowerDaari Daari Friendship FlowerEra Era Romance FlowerFrer Frer Romance FlowerGarrek Garrek Romance FlowerGin Gin Friendship FlowerGrob Grob Friendship FlowerIbon Ibon Romance FlowerIgrork Igrork Friendship FlowerIlloe Illoe Romance FlowerJag Jag Romance FlowerJelrod Jelrod Romance FlowerJizu Jizu Friendship FlowerJukk Jukk Romance FlowerMaeri Maeri Friendship FlowerMana Mana Romance FlowerNari Nari Friendship FlowerNokk Nokk Friendship FlowerOkka Okka Friendship FlowerReese Reese Friendship FlowerRon Ron Friendship FlowerTare Tare Friendship FlowerTetih Tetih Friendship FlowerVoda Voda Romance FlowerVor Vor Friendship FlowerVuak Vuak Friendship FlowerZelk Zelk Friendship Flower
Yakuan Clan Brub Brub Friendship FlowerInza Inza Friendship FlowerKrak Krak Romance FlowerAsh Ash Friendship FlowerKocha Kocha Friendship FlowerPellek Pellek Friendship FlowerJavvi Javvi Friendship Flower
Mograni Clan Touk Touk Romance FlowerVallah Vallah Romance FlowerZeda Zeda Friendship FlowerAnda Anda Friendship FlowerCohh Cohh Friendship FlowerHavri Havri Friendship Flower